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Software is a set of instructions that enable a computer or machine to perform specific functions or tasks. To provide these instructions, the programmer writes a text, called source code, in an appropriate programming language, such as C++, Java or Phyton. When we run a software application, we generally do not know the source code, which remains secret, but a compiled and executable version of the source code, called object code.

What we do

In order to safeguard developers’ investments and efforts, at THINX we assist our clients in choosing the most appropriate way to protect software depending on the specific characteristics of the software and the client’s own needs, through the tools offered by copyright, patent, design, trade secret, non-disclosure agreements, user licences and so on. In particular, software can be protected as copyright at the SIAE (source code), by patent (the algorithm) or by design (graphic interface and icons). In addition, we provide support in the event of disputes or infringement of software rights, including in the case of technical expertise.

For software protection, THINX offers these services:

  • SOFTWARE PROTECTION STRATEGY in the most effective manner for the client’s needs 
  • PREPARATION AND FILING OF APPLICATIONS with copyright registration bodies (SIAE)
  • PREPARATION AND FILING OF PATENTS, DESIGNS OR MODELS at the competent national and foreign offices
  • CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE in case of litigation

Head office
P.le Luigi Cadorna, 10 – 20123 MILANO (Italia)


+39 02.82783531 


    © 2025 Thinx S.r.l. All Rights Reserved. P.IVA 09709190962 | RC Professionale Zurich n. 20CA1504